Help us support a legislative proposal to recognize the “intrinsic value” of wildlife and to make “nongame” wildlife (wildlife that isn’t hunted, fished and trapped) a priority for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
House Bill 3228 would make changes to the Oregon law that directs management of the state’s wildlife by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. First, it would make clear that the primary goal of wildlife management should be to prevent "serious depletion" of native species. Second, it would acknowledge the “intrinsic value” of wildlife as opposed to just the "use" value to people. Third, it would change the “coequal goals of wildlife management” to include: “protect, maintain and restore indigenous nongame wildlife resources for their intrinsic values, ecosystem functions and long term benefits.” This is important because wildlife management now tends to favor “game” animals that are hunted and fished.
To help us support House Bill 3228, please email comments to hagnr.exhibits@oregonlegislature.gov, the exhibit email for House Committee On Agriculture and Natural Resources. You can say something as simple as, “I support House Bill 3228 because preserving wildlife for its intrinsic value should be a primary goal of wildlife management, including wildlife that is not hunted, fished and trapped.” It’s always best to personalize your comments a bit; you could include a sentence about why you care about wildlife. Be sure to include the bill number (HB 3228), your name, and where you live.
Another way you can help is to go here to see who is on the committee considering this bill and then check here to see if your representative is on the committee. If he or she is, send a similar email directly to him or her and be sure to say, “I live in your district and am therefore one of your constituents.”
Thanks for your help on this important bill!