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Humane Oregon Fights New Mega Dairy

Humane Oregon is part of a coalition of conservation and animal-welfare groups opposing a new mega dairy in Eastern Oregon. "Lost Valley Farm" plans to eventually have 30,000 cows at its dairy near Boardman. We joined the coalition opposing it because we believe large factory farms are bad for animal welfare. For a full description of our concerns and work on this issue, with links to our comments and court filings, see the July 22 post on our News page.

One of the strategies for fighting this huge new dairy is to challenge its applications to use already depleted groundwater. Humane Oregon has teamed up with five other groups to do that. However, we need to raise money to pay outside lawyers and experts to help make our case.

Please help us with this fight by making a contribution to Humane Oregon and letting us know it's for opposition to Lost Valley Farm. You can send us a check at 8508 SE 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97202, or go here to contribute online. (Be sure to contribute to Humane Oregon, not Humane Oregon PAC.) Please send us a note or message (info@humaneoregon) to let us know your contribution is for the fight against Lost Valley Farm. We will make sure it goes to that and that others know it came from people who care about the animals.

Thank you for your support!

Photo: cows at another factory dairy farm near the site of the new one.

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