Humane Voters Oregon (formerly Humane Oregon) and some of our conservation-minded friends are throwing a party to support Governor Kate Brown.
Please join us to show support from animals lovers and to show that we pay attention to politics, too.
When: August 15, 5:30-‘til as long as you want to stay (Come early/stay late).
Where: Beck Family homestead near Tryon Creek State Park (for security reasons the address cannot be given out until you RSVP).
What to expect: An informal political gathering where you can mingle with Governor Brown, hear her talk and answer questions, and have a wonderful time outdoors. Drinks and light food fare provided. Kids and dogs welcome!
Cost: $100/individual; $150/couple; Under 30, $50. Kids, free.
Please also let us know (info@humaneoregon.org) if you will be attending as a supporter of animal welfare.
Co-hosts: Rhett Lawrence & LeeAnn Friedman · Morgan Gratz Weiser · Senator Rob Wagner & Laurie Cremona Wagner ·Metro Council President-Elect Lynn Peterson · Chris Beck · Peyton Chapman & Aubrey Russell · Dara Wasserman & Jon Beck · Ann Sulzar & Teddy Keizer · Kelly Peterson · Humane Voters Oregon · John Haines · Brittany Miles & Nick Bender · Julianne Fry ·Tom Koehler & Kari Easton · Paul Shively · Christine Lewis