Join the Humane Voters Oregon board of directors for our first-ever virtual event to kick off the 2021 Oregon legislative session - 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, January 14.
During the upcoming session Oregon lawmakers will consider bills on coyote-killing contests, mink farming, humane cosmetics, mega-dairies, and more.
JOIN US! Hear about the humane bills we'll be working to pass. Meet the humane legislators and advocates who will champion them. Learn how you can help. Register at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LtXfSu9KQfKedGxZn1RWxA.
Guest speakers include Representative David Gomberg (D - Central Coast) and Representative Courtney Neron (D - Wilsonville/Beaverton/Aloha).
Please register at the link and share with interested friends and colleagues. Let's have a strong start to the legislative session and prepare to make a substantial difference for animals in Oregon.
Your contributions help us promote humane legislation and endorse lawmakers who will advocate for animals. You can claim your 2021 tax credit for a political contribution now by donating at https://www.humanevotersoregon.org/support.