Dec 27, 2019Donate Before Year-End To Help Animals and Get a Tax CreditThank you for helping us advocate for animals and support animal-friendly political candidates in 2019. Help us continue our work in 2020...
Dec 28, 2018Three Days Left to Help Animals and Get a Political Tax CreditThank you for helping us advocate for animals and support animal friendly political candidates in 2018. Thanks to you, we: Endorsed more...
Dec 11, 2018Donate Before January 1 to Help Animals and Get a Political Tax CreditThank you for helping us advocate for animals and support animal friendly political candidates in 2018. Thanks to you, we: Endorsed more...
Dec 29, 2017Last Chance to Help Animals and Get a Tax Credit for 2017Only two days left to make a contribution to Humane Oregon PAC and get it all back on your taxes for 2017. We will use your contributions...
Dec 2, 2017Use Your Political Tax Credit to Help AnimalsHelp Humane Oregon PAC help animals in the coming elections. We will use your contributions to support the campaigns of animal-friendly...
Jan 22, 2017Contribute to Humane Oregon PAC and Get It All Back on Your TaxesContribute up to $100 to Humane Oregon PAC and get it all back on your taxes! Oregon is one of the few states that offers a tax credit...
Nov 28, 2014Take Advantage Of Oregon's Political Contribution Tax CreditDon’t forget to take advantage of Oregon’s political contribution tax credit in 2014 with a contribution to Humane Oregon's political...